Rick and I took the girls to visit his Grandmother's grave for the first time. Granny past two years ago and we had yet to visit the site. Why? People grieve in different ways and I guess Rick just wasn't ready. These two years have been hard. People say that time eases all things, but it doesn't ease loss. I see that in my husband's eyes.
Before I continue though, I want to share that Rick wanted me to take the pictures that I posted. I would never have taken the camera for fear of intruding on this personal time. However, Rick brought it along and asked me to capture the moment.
Continuing on...
When we got there, Rick walked with Gabriella and spent time with her at the marker. Before we left, they went to the pond and followed the mommy and baby ducks. It occurred to me while we were there how happy Granny probably was seeing us all there. She was such a family oriented person. Nothing mattered more to her than her family. In the time that I was fortunate enough to know her, she never let anything get in the way of spending time with the people she loved the most. She was present in the today.
Now, I am not a perfect person and have many faults for sure. However, one thing I'm pretty good at is cherishing each and every moment of this life...of today. There's not a yesterday or tomorrow that's more important that this moment right now. And now... And now...
You get the idea.
It's easy to let things get in the way of enjoying today, though, isn't it? For example, in a fit of vanity, I almost canceled my and Rick's date the other night because I couldn't fit into any of my clothes. I still have 13 pounds to lose and I'm in that awkward stage where nothing fits. As I looked in the mirror and cried at the sight of what a twin pregnancy had done to my body, I had to slap myself out of my own pity party! Was I really going to let something as stupid as what I was going to wear rob me of my joy of celebrating the day? I almost did.
I know that may seem trivial, but so are many of the things that rob us of living in the moment. I bet if you think about it, there are all kinds of things that you spend your time doing that won't matter in 10 years...or even 1 year for that matter. The first question is: Do you even recognize the things that take you away from today? The next, and more important question, is: Do you care enough to do something about it?
This day has a value. This moment is significant. One life. That's it, folks. That's all we get here on earth. Why would you...why would I...let one second of it pass doing something other than being present in the moment. Knowing the worth of today.
You know, I saw God yesterday. And I'm sure I'll see Him tomorrow. But what is most important to me right now is that I see him...