I remember running through the sprinkler when I was a little girl. My dad would put it in the middle of the front yard and I would run in and out of those high arches of sprinkles! Up and over the water would go; the pattern never changing. Somehow, I always found new ways to run over, under, and through the predictable spray.
Even as I've gotten older, I still feel a sense of excitement when I'm walking down a sidewalk and see that somewhere in the distance a yard is being watered by my favorite sign of summer: a sprinkler. I never ever avoid the water. Instead, I walk right through the part that will get me the most wet! There's just something about a sprinkler!
Today, we had our own sprinkler party. Our new wild and crazy sprinkler isn't quite the old fashion sprinkler from my childhood, but the fun it produces is the same! Rick and I took turns running with Gabriella through the water. After each round we'd say, "Do you want to do it again?" and she would respond, "Peeease."
When I listen closely, I can still hear our laughter as we took turns running through the sprinkler and...
I hear God.