Wednesday, 6:45am: Marielle, Genevieve, and I head to school. As we make the drive, I pray for God to give me the strength through the day. This has been part of my prayer every day for the past few months. No answer.
Wednesday, 4:00pm: Say another prayer because, even though the school day is over, I usually start feeling the effects of giving so much energy to my students during the day. No answer.
Wednesday, 9:00pm: Can't fall asleep. "Are you there God? It's me again, Margaret. I mean Mary." No answer.
Thursday, 4:00am: Still up. Still uncomfortable. Is this a joke? How can I ever do this for 6 more weeks? No answer.
Thursday, 11:20am: Teach class full of eager students the important concepts of reducing and multiplying fractions. Seriously?! I say another prayer. Help me lead this lesson in a way that helps the students understand. No answer.
Sunday morning: I wake up and think to myself, I did get an answer.
It's Sunday.
He was there the whole time. He was always answering.
Sometimes, when we pray for something, we want an immediate answer. If God's response isn't immediate, we (ok, I) tend to think He's not paying attention. But if we're patient, we can look back and see that there was a plan, an answer, all along.
So, bring it on Marielle and Genevieve. We've got 5 or 6 more weeks of this and it will seem like the blink of an eye compared to the life I hope we have together. I know that no matter how I feel now it will be worth the joy I feel when you hug me, it will be worth the joy I feel when you go to Chuck-E-Cheese for the first time, it will be worth the smile and light in your eyes when you laugh. Even more, I know that when I hold you for the very first time (which, by the way, I haven't figured out how I'm going to do that, yet), I will realize that I made it through.
And then I think I'll start a whole other series of prayers about making it through baby life with twins and a two year old. And then a series of prayers about toddler years and, what I'm dreading most, teenage years. EEEEKKK!!! hehehehe
Looks like I've got lots of prayers to say and plenty of chances to practice patience as I look and listen for answers.

I saw a sermon on TV this AM on that very thing..........patience. You are so right. We think God isn't hearing us but when we look back we can see where he's been. God is always faithful.