You know, everyone you meet has a story. They have a life filled with their own dreams, failures, loves, adventures. Some are more willing to share than others. Usually, I find that people older and wiser have the most to share. Seems like they could just talk and talk...
and talk.
Today, Rick and I had a rainy day Yard Sale. We met all kinds of neat people, but our day ended with one unique fellow.
Rick and I were sitting in our chairs in the garage when this older gentleman drove by rubber necking so much I thought he was going to hit something! He did this several times, and finally, he got out to look around. Turns out, we didn't have what he was looking for...
or did we?
He (how I'll refer to him b/c he never told us his name) was a talker! He wanted to share his stories, his life, with us. This is what I learned:
He used to race cars in Orlando.
His wife was sick a few years ago.
He thinks Julia Roberts and Ashley Judd could substitute for the other in any role.
He stopped racing cars when he had a daughter.
He likes to smoke unlit cigarettes.
He likes to fix up cars.
He doesn't know "anything" about football, but knows his favorite Joe Namath play of all time.
He likes Calipari, but knows more about basketball.
He coached basketball and baseball.
When he was 54, he could outrun all but 2 of the players on his basketball team.
He is 70 years old.
His memory is fading.
Often, he would stop for long, awkward pauses, to gather his thoughts, to try and remember. I wanted to help him find the words, but I didn't know how to help him weed through his memories. At one point in our conversation, after a particularly long pause, he said to us, "You know, I do that more and more lately-forget stuff. It's comin'. Whatever it is, it's comin'." He said it so matter of fact, he had accepted the unknown that comes along with getting older.
It is an inevitable part of life for some of us; we will lose our memories. The moments we've worked so hard to create, capture, store, and laugh about in hindsight will begin to fade. All this man wanted was for someone to listen to his memories, be impressed by his memories, take some time to help him relive his memories...maybe before they're gone...
for good.
We were happy to oblige. Rick nodded, asked him questions, and laughed with him. I just watched, listened, and agreed with his opinions. The most important thing we could have done, though, was let him talk. We didn't tell him one thing about ourselves! hehe :) We just listened...
Have you been listening lately? Who knows what stories you might be missing out on if you only listen to the stories you tell to others...the stories you already know by heart.
Oh, I almost forgot one other thing I learned! He wants to take his money and live on a sailboat for the rest of his life. He chose the bank with the most ATMs at ports to deposit his life savings. I can picture him now, floating from here to there, thinking about Joe Namath, race cars, and smoking the same cigarette day in and day out.
It puts a smile on my face.
Today, I heard God in the rehashing of memories of a precious life.
I hope you spend the rest of the weekend with your ears open!
P.S. Another question mark filled! On the list of God's Plan for my summer: Listen to and appreciate the wonderfully rich life of a complete stranger.
P.P.S. No picture today. I thought he would think I was a little kooky if I'd gone in and come out with my camera! For today, you'll just have to use your imagination.
What a great story! You and Rick are amazing...Love Ya!